Parse basic publication metadata from a decoded OpenAIRE Research Graph record.




document of class `xml_document` from the OpenAIRE research graph publication subset


The result is a tibble with each row representing a publication. Here are the returned columns and descriptions:

typeResearch output type (literature publication, dataset, software)
titlePublication title
journalJournal title
date_of_acceptanceDate of acceptance for publication
best_access_rightAccess level
embargo_enddateDate when the publication becomes openly available
resource_typeType of dataset
authorsList-column with author details including names, order and ORCID
pidsList-column with persistent identifiers (PIDS) referencing the publication, e.g. DOI, PMID or PMCID. PIDs are particularly useful when cross-linking to other scholarly data sources
collected_fromName and identifier of metadata source
source_idsmetadata source ids like OAI identifier


if (FALSE) { # sample file delivered with this package dump_eg <- system.file("extdata", "multiple_projects.xml", package = "openairegraph") # load xml file my_record <- xml2::read_xml(dump_eg) # parse out <- openairegraph::oarg_publications_md(my_record) # Detailed author infos openairegraph::oarg_publications_md(out)$authors # Obtain linked persistent identifiers (PID) openairegraph::oarg_publications_md(my_record)$pids }