Hybrid Open Access Dashboard

How open are hybrid journals in transformative agreements? You can analyse progress made over time by open license, publisher and country. You can also monitor the availability of publisher-provided metadata in Crossref.

The share of Open Access articles with a Creative Commons license in 12,998 hybrid journals derived from cOAlition S Transformative Agreement Public Data is as follows:


Global Germany*
10.4% 29.4%
1.49M out of 14.33M 160K out of 544K


Global Germany*
16.9% 46.4%
306K out of 1.81M 29K out of 63K

*Journal articles from lead authors based in Germany. Country affiliation data derived from OpenAlex.

Creative Commons licenses over time

Percentage of Open Access in hybrid journals included in transformative agreements by Creative Commons license types as provided by Crossref.

*Journal articles from lead authors based in Germany. Country affiliation data derived from OpenAlex.

Creative Commons licenses over time by publisher

Percentage of Open Access in hybrid journals included in transformative agreements by Creative Commons license types and Top 13 publishers in terms of total Open Access articles published in these journals between 2017 and 2024.