Contains information about the overall publication volume, and, if available, cost information from the Open APC Initiative.



A data frame with the following variables:

licenseNormalized open content license statement
journal_titleMost frequent journal title used by Crossref
publisherMost frequent publisher name used by Crossref
doi_oaDOI of the hybrid open access article
issuedEarliest publication year
yearly_jn_volumeYearly article volume per journal
license_ref_nYearly article volume under the license license
yearly_publisher_volumeYearly article volume of all journals in the dataset per publisher
yearly_allYearly article volume investigated
periodYear of reporting to Open APC
euroThe amount that was paid in EURO. Includes VAT and additional fees
hybrid_typeSpending source (Open APC, SCOAP3)
institutionTop-level organisation which reported article to Open APC
countryCountry of origin (iso3c)
country_nameCountry of origin (name)
license_urlLicense URL
hostEmail host first or corresponding author
subdomainEmail subdomain first or corresponding author
domainEmail domain first or corresponding author
suffixEmail suffix first or corresponding author




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See also