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This datasets contains information about journals. These journals come from the Journal Checker Tool.




An object of class tbl_df (inherits from tbl, data.frame) with 12966 rows and 3 columns.


#> # A tibble: 13,111 × 3
#>    issn_l    display_name                                homepage_url
#>    <chr>     <chr>                                       <chr>       
#>  1 0362-1340 ACM SIGPLAN Notices                         NA          
#>  2 0974-4061 Africa Review                               NA          
#>  3 2732-4176 Work in the Global Economy                  NA          
#>  4 2164-9987 Journal of Hospitality &amp; Tourism Cases  NA          
#>  5 0948-423X Soziale Systeme                             NA          
#>  6 2662-8473 Current Food Science and Technology Reports NA          
#>  7 1553-5304 Global Economy Journal                      NA          
#>  8 0227-5910 Crisis                                      NA          
#>  9 1387-6740 Narrative Inquiry                           NA          
#> 10 2572-5300 Gaming Law Review                           NA          
#> # ℹ 13,101 more rows